Lucas MK1 and MK2 fuel / petrol injection




Lucas Service Training Centre
Petrol Injection Mk II


The Lucas Mark I petrol injection system has been outstandingly successful on high performance cars, particularly in the international racing field.

During 1966-67 the first three places in almost every Grand Prix event were held by cars equipped with a Lucas Mark I petrol injection system. Since 1967 practically all racing cars have used Lucas petrol injection.

The Mark II petrol injection system has been evolved directly from the Mark I system, and is designed for production cars, being supplied as original equipment on certain of the latest cars (Triumph market a 2.5 litre saloon, and their ‘TR’ sports car with petrol injection). The Mark II ‘P.I., system is suitable for engines developing up to 150 b.h.p., and is engineered to extremely fine limits. Although a simplified design compared to the Mark I equipment, it retains all the essential features which have been proved on the racing circuits of the world.

The conventional carburettor is not required in the petrol injection system. Instead fuel is injected into each air-intake port by means of a high-pressure shuttle-metering device. The comparatively simple design of the Mark II equipment ensures easy servicing if this should be necessary at any time.

Some of the more important advantages to be obtained from the use of petrol injection are:

I. Reduced Fuel Consumption
A more economic use of fuel, because the quantity injected into the cylinders is closely regulated to suit the engine operating conditions.

2. Smoother Running at Low Engine Speeds, and Better Acceleration
Engines fitted with ‘P.I.’ equipment accelerate quicker and have greater flexibility, particularly at low engine speeds.

3. Increased Performance
A complicated manifold is not required, so that the air intake is greater than normal. This ensures improved volumetric efficiency and hence increased power.

4. Cleaner Exhaust Emission
As there is almost complete combustion in the cylinders, the amount of unburnt hydrocarbons and carbon-monoxide is reduced. The result is ‘cleaner’ exhaust emission.



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